
How to Say Good Night in Japanese.

“Oyasuminasai(お休みなさい)” is usually translated as Good Night.

If I translate Good Night word for word into Japanese, it’s “ii yoru”. Good is ii, and Night is yoru.

If I translate “oyasuminasai” into English literally, it means “Get rest, please”. It is in imperative form.

Perhaps you would think this expression is said only to a person who is going to bed. However, you can say that both when you are going to bed and when another person is going to bed.

This might sound strange to you because we can say it when the listener isn’t going to bed. When you are going to bed, how you can say “Get rest” to other people who are not going to bed?

I’m sorry, I have no idea!

Thanks, Koir, as always!

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